Wednesday 5 January 2011

2011 - the year of YOU. And me too, come to think of it.

Great fortune and buckets of joy for a glittering New Year to all the folks who read this blog. Which isn't a lot of people but, hey, that just means more fortune, joy and glitter for those nice ones who do.

I wanted to start a full year of blogging by tipping my hat to the Renaissance Zen Man who thoughtfully and quite unknowingly provided the name for this blog. He was the 1st AD on a film I costumed in 2007, a wonderful project designed to give young aspiring filmmakers and crew a leg-up into the industry. It's called The Butterfly Tattoo, and it's available on Amazon UK for £11.99. You really should buy it. (end of shameless plug)

The Costume Department (myself and my fab assistant Rachel) and Make Up (the lovely Leanne) were always plonked into the same corner of wherever we were filming - tents, vans, warehouses, paddocks. And we became known collectively and appropriately as The Glamour Department.

Thanks, Mr Christian Gill.


1 comment:

  1. Geri - you absolute darling... you were all well deserving of that moniker.

