Wednesday 1 December 2010

Is it all about the cheekbones? Style Hug # 2

Dressing up is a bore. At a certain age, you decorate yourself to attract the opposite sex, and at a certain age, I did that. But I'm past that age.

You either love her or hate her, but there's something about her that makes her compelling. Some say it's those knife-sharp cheekbones, others point to the feisty personality both on and off-screen, and for others it's the no-nonsense New England clipped accent. OK, maybe not the accent - I don't know anyone who liked her voice.

But for me, it's always been her style. Boyish, practical, unapologetic in its androgyny and yet strangely desirable, never detracting from her rather odd beauty.

When she glammed up, it was less about girly frills and more about clean lines and understated elegance with a good dash of dramatic strength in the details.

In fact, she looked awkward in softer, more feminine get-ups. Probably wondering how anyone could play a round of golf in this little number.

And there's something pretty cool about not giving a damn about what people think of your clothing choices and just doing what makes you happy. In a time when society was rather particular about who should wear what, she marched around in her trousers, men's shirts and saddle shoes because it suited her and her active lifestyle. I can't help but admire her self confidence and chutzpah. She didn't dress for the pleasure of other people - she flipped them the sartorial bird and dressed for her own pleasure and comfort and personality. It's a brave position in a competitive and image-conscious world, but not an impossible one to live by.

Next time I'm standing in front of the wardrobe, wondering what's appropriate to wear for the occasion,  I'll rephrase that question into "What's appropriate to wear for me?"

If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.

Thanks, Kate Hepburn, for being proudly yourself.

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